Tuesday, January 27, 2015

                Capitalism is the best way to run the economy. We need to have light control in the economy so businesses don’t run the lives of all the employees but they need to be able to grow and prosper. Social Darwinism needs to take its course and the weak will fall and the strong will dominate. I like that we have some socialist ideas like schools, libraries, fire fighters, and postal service. We also have all of these nice laws that make employers pay minimum wage, paid time off, overtime, and all of the environmental laws. I absolutely hate that we break up monopolies, if you take the time to build up your economic empire congress should not break it up. Microsoft was broken up years ago because it was a monopoly. The way it became a monopoly is by being so much better and more affordable than all the other companies. But all of the other companies cried and through a fit, saying we now don’t make money and we are going to have to fire all our employees and it is all Microsoft’s fault. It is not and the government needs to stay out of it. They also need to stop all of these bail outs, the company is failing for a reason and the government finds it necessary to save them so people can be employed. If they do nothing they will join the other company and be part of a successful business.

                Capitalism allows me as an individual to go out and start my own business and make all the money I want. If we did not have capitalism I would be unable to do this. Happy employees are productive employees if we were socialist and you did not get a say in what you will be when you grow up you may get a job you hate and you will not be happy with it and therefore be unmotivated and unhappy. But we have a capitalistic society where for the most part I can choose what I want to be when I grow up. There will be obstacles but by overcoming the obstacles I will become stronger and build character. The character I need to run my business and become wealthy. I had to EARN my wealth.

                Communism is the worst it makes it so no matter what you do, you will be paid equally. You work at McDonalds get paid like a doctor, you work as a garbage man get paid like a doctor, you work as a doctor get paid like a Wal-Mart employee. This means no matter what you do you will not make any more money so why should I try if I just get the same as anyone else why should I study had and get a good job when I can just fill the shelves at Target and make the same as the manager. Heck if we did not have a capitalistic society we would probably not have any of these great retailors. It would all be Gov-Mart and McGovement, that is what you would eat and that is where you would by stuff you would not have a choice because the government would not set up two businesses to compete ageist each other. Competition move businesses forward, businesses drive the economy forward, the economy drive capitalism forward proving that it is the very best economic system we have.           

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dear John Adams,

                I hear what you are saying but this is true with all forms of government. All countries rise and fall Greece gained power and fell than Rome gained power and fell fast forward Great Briton gained power and fell and we have gained power and one day we too will fall. Now you do not need to fall and have your once great empire be destroyed. Great Briton fell but it still holds lots of power. Many monarchies fell when the news of democracy reached their borders and eventually dominated their country. 

                One of the huge problems with democracy is that it takes too long to do anything. Democracy is a slow proses of debating, arguing, mudslinging, and voting while others are just one person or a small group deciding what to do. They can act in the moment while democracy everyone gets to talk and they can just ramble on and on and on so nothing gets accomplished. Everyone gets a voice and we must hear what they have to say or we just lost our democracy. In a Monarchy it is my way or you die so everything moves way faster because people want to live.

                If people are just voting in one party and they get say two-thirds than in our system they could do whatever they want and nobody can stop them because the one party has too much power. And  in our system if the two-thirds and the president are the same party it might as well be a aristocracy because only that group would be able to do anything. Their words would be law.

                Another problem is once one party dose something the next time the other party gets power they will just change it back. There is an old joke how many senators does it take to screw in a light bulb, two one to change it the other to change it back.

                Some people are given too much freedom and they want to be anarchists they can and they could gain power if people vote them in if they are voted in with enough power they could destroy the democracy from the inside out. Or if communists get in to power they can make our system communist. If the Nazis get power they could make us a fascist nation all because these groups abused our system and now they have the power to make the changes they want. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

                The constitution establishes a bicameral legislation so that it would favor both large and small states. It has worked since the 1300’s and many our forefathers that made this fine country where familiar with it. Like I said earlier it favored both states rather than just large or small states. Theoretically it is the best because you are able to apply it in real life. By being favored by all states, practical and being the best it is the best.

                I feel that it is good that we have a bicameral because it helps small states and limits the power of large states. The problem I have with a bicameral is that both the House and the Senate must agree to get anything done.  It is a slow process and if we want to get anything done we have to wait on both of them. By the time they get anything done many new problems start up and they can only solve one at a time but if there was one it would be faster but it would favor some states over others so I am happy with the way we have it.