Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Nixon is a very under rated president. While he had some faults he also had many achievements that are sadly over looked.  Nixon helped establish foreign relations witch allowed us to be friends with most of the world. Nixon also pulled the troops out of Vietnam. Nixon also created the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA. But do to his few failures most don’t see him as the great president that he was.

                One of Nixon’s greatest achievements has to be his foreign affairs policy. China had hated us and did not want us there and our people despised them for being communists. Nixon still felt that there was a chance for peace; he felt we could make them our friend. The greatest way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend because you lose an enemy and gain an ally all at once. Nixon understood this and he used his friends. He used China to help convince the Russians to disarm some of their nuclear weapons. He also helped our relation with Israel. I see Israel as a very important country to support because if you fight it you fight the holy city of many different religions.  Israel is also a very powerful country militarily. He also prevented other countries from hating us. If he did not do this India could be our enemy right now.

                Back in the 60’s many people despised the Vietnam War and the longer it when on the more people hated it. Nixon was the president to get us out and that ended US involvement in the Vietnam War. Personally I feel that we should have finished what we started and not just quit. Yes many were dying, yes many were agents it, yes many were drafted and did not want to fight, yes we maybe did not have the most to gain but we did if to stop the fall of communism and we failed. All of the people who died now died just so we could quit not to stop the spread of communism. If a country asks for money to help rebuild we stop what we were doing and send them BILLIONS and any other thing they need. If a country needs military support than they are on their own until we are forced to get involved. The second we get involved everybody in the world changes their mind and tells us to get out. Even now if we don’t help other countries ask why we won’t help, but the second we do something they ask us what we are doing and why are we there.

                Nixon also cared about the environment. He cared about it so much that he created the EPA. The EPA prevents companies from dumping in bodies of water and polluting the air and just strait up littering. I don’t care much for the EPA but I find them necessary.

                In conclusion Nixon had a great foreign policy.  He got us out of Vietnam. He started the EPA protecting the environment. In short he was not that bad but because of his small mistakes he will not be known as a bad president,