Monday, October 13, 2014

Amendment XXVIII

Proposed by Mitchell Holler

                In the course of three months after this amendment is ratified both male and female citizens, ages 18-25 will be required to sign up for selective service. This will only be used in times of war that demand for it as decided by congress. Congress has power to carry out and make laws on this issue as they see fit.

                I feel this is needed because some women say we are a sexist nation and this would make it fair because now we are treating both genders equal. Both genders can enter the army at free will so why can’t both be drafted. Women can be just as good at fighting and if they don’t want to fight there are plenty of peaceful jobs. These peaceful jobs include but are not limited to: Accountant, Civil Engineer, Computers, Engineer, HR, Management, Medical, Psychology, and Public/Foreign affairs and there are still more.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

In class we watched the documentary Bowling for Columbine and it talked about gun rights, the media, and the Constitutional second amendment. The documentary was very informative on all three of these topics. It asked the major questions like why do Americans kill so many people, and how much gun rights should we have? All of this is very important; to why Columbine happened, why the media is negative, and what are the rules on our gun touting society.

                First do guns kill people or do people kill people? The answer is people kill people.  A gun can NOT load its self, aim its self, and fire its self. If guns killed people, than pencils spell words wrong and cars drive drunk. But that is the persons fault; people misspell words, people drive drunk, and people kill people. 

                Many things have been done to limit gun killings. Obama has gotten around congress to pass his new laws. The laws focus more on mental health then attacking guns. I like that this is the way they are doing it. A man crazy man with a hand gun is a million times worse than a sane person with a fully automatic. The crazy guy is unstable and may harm people, while the sane man can tell right from wrong and probably won’t cause any trouble.   

                `The second amendment gives the right to US citizens to bear arms. Gun control wants to take/limit this right. Many laws have been put in to place to limit our freedom. Some of these are Obama’s laws that he used his executive powers on. Because of this the future of gun rights hangs on by a thread. If we are responsible and don’t shot each other it will be okay, but if we continue killing each other things may get out of hand and we may lose are guns forever. Now you are saying they can’t do that but they can just add a new amendment that cancels the second. We canceled the 18th with the 21st we can do it again. 

                What we have done as a society is limit clip size and other stuff. At some big city schools they have police officers and metal detectors. There are cameras all over. On the Brooklyn Bridge alone there is a camera every 20 feet down the entire length of the bridge. But even with all of these some people took the flag on top and bleached it and put it back without being caught. 

                The media gets a bad rap for just being the media, but why? Well it is because it is all negative. It is pouring gasoline on the fire that is fear. I would not mind it being negative about 20% of the time otherwise you become blind to the world around you. Example is sex trafficking, I had not heard of it before this year. With a “clean” media I would never had heard about this. It is negative 95 % of the time. If a person kills them self then it will be on the news for a few days and the media will just say it could be you or someone close, and everyone panics. If a person donates a kiddy it may be reported.

                So that is our gun touting society wrapped up. People kill people,   Obama’s executive orders, the second amendment, gun control, and the media. People with guns need to be responsible. You can’t just run around shooting people.